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How to Change Your Name with NADRA: A Comprehensive Guide



‌Change‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Name‌ ‌with‌ ‌NADRA‌ ‌

Changing your name is a significant decision that can arise from various life events, such as marriage, divorce, personal preference, or the need to correct errors. Understanding how to change your name with NADRA is crucial for ensuring that your identity documents reflect your new name accurately. This guide will walk you through the entire process, providing you with all the necessary steps and requirements for how to change your name with NADRA successfully.

Understanding NADRA

The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) is the central organization responsible for maintaining the national database of Pakistani citizens. It issues essential identity documents such as the Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) and the Child Registration Certificate (CRC). NADRA also manages updates and corrections to these documents, including name changes.

Why Change Your Name?

Before delving into the detailed procedure of how to change your name with NADRA, it is important to understand the common reasons why people opt for a name change:

  1. Marriage or Divorce: A common reason for changing one’s name is marriage or divorce. For instance, a woman might take her husband’s surname after marriage or revert to her maiden name after a divorce.
  2. Personal Preference: Some individuals change their names for personal reasons, such as a change in identity or simply preferring a different name.
  3. Religious Reasons: Conversion to another religion might lead to a name change.
  4. Correcting Errors: Errors in the spelling or formatting of a name on official documents may necessitate a name change.
  5. Adoption: Adopted individuals might change their names to reflect their adoptive family’s surname.

Steps to How to Change Your Name with NADRA

Step 1: Gather Required Documents

The first step in changing your name with NADRA is to collect all the necessary documents. These documents will serve as evidence for your name change request. The required documents typically include:

  1. Current CNIC or B-Form: Your current CNIC or B-Form (for individuals under 18 years of age).
  2. Name Change Affidavit: A notarized affidavit stating the reason for the name change.
  3. Newspaper Advertisement: Copies of advertisements published in at least two national newspapers announcing the name change.
  4. Marriage/Divorce Certificate: If the name change is due to marriage or divorce, the relevant certificate is required.
  5. Court Order: For personal preference or other legal reasons, a court order might be required.

Step 2: Visit a NADRA Registration Center

Once you have gathered all the required documents, the next step is to visit the nearest NADRA Registration Center (NRC). The NADRA website provides a locator to find the NRC closest to you.

Step 3: Fill Out the Name Change Form

At the NRC, you will need to fill out the name change form. Ensure that all the information provided is accurate and complete. Double-check the form to avoid any mistakes that could delay the process.

Step 4: Submit Documents and Form

Submit the completed name change form along with the required documents to the NADRA officer at the NRC. The officer will review your documents and may ask you some questions to verify the information.

Step 5: Biometric Verification

After submitting the documents, you will undergo biometric verification, which includes fingerprint scanning and a photograph. This step is crucial to ensure that your identity is accurately updated in the NADRA database.

Step 6: Receive Token and Pay Fee

You will receive a token indicating that your application is in process. Pay the required fee for the name change. The fee varies depending on the type of name change and the urgency of the application (normal or urgent processing).

Step 7: Application Processing

NADRA will process your application, which may take a few days to a few weeks, depending on the type of application (normal or urgent). During this time, NADRA will verify the information and update their database accordingly.

Step 8: Collect Updated CNIC

Once the name change is approved and processed, you will be notified to collect your updated CNIC from the NRC. Make sure to check all the details on the new CNIC to ensure accuracy.

Important Considerations

When you are in the process of knowing how to change your name with NADRA, there are several important considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Accuracy of Information: Ensure that all the information provided in the name change form and supporting documents is accurate. Any discrepancies can lead to delays or rejection of the application.
  2. Timely Submission: Submit your application and documents promptly to avoid any delays in processing. If you are opting for urgent processing, make sure to indicate this and pay the required fee.
  3. Legal Requirements: Adhere to all legal requirements, especially if a court order is involved. Consult with a legal advisor if you are unsure about any part of the process.
  4. Follow-up: Keep track of your application status and follow up with NADRA if there are any delays beyond the expected processing time.

Detailed Breakdown of Required Documents

To better understand how to change your name with NADRA, let’s take a closer look at the specific documents required:

1. Current CNIC or B-Form

Your current CNIC or B-Form is necessary as it serves as the primary identification document that needs updating.

2. Name Change Affidavit

An affidavit is a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court. For the name change process, you need an affidavit that clearly states the reason for your name change, signed and notarized by a legal authority.

3. Newspaper Advertisement

Publishing an announcement of your name change in at least two national newspapers is a crucial step. This public announcement acts as a formal declaration of your intent to change your name and provides a record for official purposes.

4. Marriage/Divorce Certificate

If your name change is related to marital status, you will need to provide the relevant marriage or divorce certificate. This document substantiates your reason for the name change.

5. Court Order

In cases where the name change is due to personal preference or other legal reasons, a court order might be necessary. This order legally authorizes the name change and is required by NADRA to proceed with the update.

FAQs about Changing Your Name with NADRA

1. How long does it take to change your name with NADRA?

The processing time for a name change with NADRA can vary. For normal processing, it can take a few weeks, while urgent processing may be completed within a few days.

2. What is the cost of changing your name with NADRA?

The cost of changing your name with NADRA depends on the type of processing you choose (normal or urgent). The fees are subject to change, so it is best to check with NADRA for the current fee structure.

3. Can I change my name without a court order?

In some cases, you can change your name without a court order, such as due to marriage or divorce. However, for personal preference or other legal reasons, a court order may be required.

4. Do I need to update my passport after changing my name with NADRA?

Yes, after changing your name with NADRA, you will need to update your passport and other official documents to reflect your new name.

5. Can minors change their name with NADRA?

Yes, minors can change their name with NADRA, but the application must be submitted by their legal guardian along with the required documents.

Legal and Administrative Considerations

When changing your name with NADRA, it is essential to be aware of the legal and administrative considerations involved. Understanding these factors can help ensure a smooth and hassle-free process:

Legal Name Change

A legal name change involves officially changing your name in the eyes of the law. This process typically requires a court order, especially if the change is due to personal preference. The court order serves as legal proof of your name change and is necessary for updating your identity documents with NADRA.

Administrative Process

The administrative process involves filling out forms, submitting required documents, undergoing biometric verification, and paying the necessary fees. It is crucial to follow all administrative steps carefully to avoid delays or complications.

Public Notice

Publishing a public notice in newspapers is a vital part of the name change process. This notice serves as a public declaration of your intent to change your name and provides a record for official purposes.

Practical Tips for a Smooth Process

To ensure a smooth process of how to change your name with NADRA, consider the following practical tips:

1. Double-Check All Documents

Ensure that all documents are complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Any errors or omissions can delay the process or lead to rejection.

2. Keep Copies of All Submissions

Make copies of all documents and forms submitted to NADRA for your records. This can be useful if you need to reference any information later.

3. Follow Up Regularly

Stay in touch with NADRA to check the status of your application. Regular follow-up can help address any issues promptly and keep the process moving forward.

4. Seek Legal Advice if Needed

If you are unsure about any part of the process or face legal complexities, consider seeking advice from a legal professional. They can provide guidance and help navigate any challenges.


How to change your name with NADRA is a structured process that requires careful attention to detail and adherence to legal and administrative requirements. Whether the name change is due to marriage, divorce, personal preference, or other reasons, understanding how to change your name with NADRA is essential for ensuring that your identity documents reflect your new name accurately.

By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide and being mindful of the important considerations and practical tips, you can navigate the name change process with confidence and ease. For additional support, you might want to know how to check the NADRA ID card status, which can be very useful during the process.

Always stay informed about any updates or changes in the procedure by regularly checking NADRA’s official website or contacting their support services. If you need to verify personal details during the process, you can learn how to check the CNIC number with a mobile number for added convenience.

Changing your name is a significant step, and with the right preparation and understanding, you can ensure that the process is smooth and successful. Additionally, ensuring your family records are accurate is important, so knowing how to check NADRA family tree online can be beneficial as well.

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