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How To Fit Exercise Into a Busy Schedule




The World Health Organization recommends that adults between 18 and 64 engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity weekly, equivalent to 30 minutes per day, five days a week. The report encompasses various activities beyond gym workouts, walking, dancing, gardening, hiking, swimming, walking, cycling), household chores, sports, and planned exercises. The pressing question is: how to fit exercise into a busy schedule? After a long day, the temptation to relax and watch TV is understandable. However, if a packed lifestyle involving supermarket runs, language classes, dinner with friends, or completing assignments prevents exercise, here’s a surprise: you don’t have to sacrifice screen time or other ongoing activities if you follow these tips:

Improve your daily commute

As you head to your morning lecture and consider checking the bus times, why not reconsider your commute and opt for a walk instead? Making this adjustment to your daily routine won’t require additional time! A recent study published in the American College of Cardiology revealed that engaging in one hour of physical activity daily, like brisk walking or cycling, removes the link between sitting for extended periods and mortality risks, significantly reducing the likelihood of developing various diseases.

Keep Handy Workout Clothes

If you are an office goer, then try keeping a pair of running shoes and some gym clothes in the car. Whenever you get off from work, you can head over to the gym instead of going home.

Schedule your workout just as you schedule your meetings

Do plan your daily work in such a way that you get time to work out. Mark the dates and times on the office calendar and keep a reminder on your smartwatch or phone. Once you get a notification, you can head over to the gym.

Find a workout buddy

Wondering how to fit exercise in your busy schedule? Invite your office buddy to join you for the workout. If finding motivation for a half-hour exercise session seems challenging, consider inviting a friend or classmate to join you! Whether opting for a quick run around campus or a study break at the gym, having company can boost your overall excitement and enthusiasm. Does your university regularly host fitness classes? This could be a fantastic chance to forge new friendships while diversifying your workout routine with exercises you haven’t explored yet!

Embrace Short, Intense Workouts

Opt for high-intensity sessions like metabolic conditioning workouts when time is tight, rather than long 1-2 hour gym sessions. Aim for 20-40 minutes of moderate to high intensity workouts, done 4 times a week, to optimize your training regimen within your busy schedule.

Get off the bus one stop earlier

As you step out of your lecture and realize you haven’t squeezed in any exercise today, there’s still an opportunity to burn some calories! Instead of browsing Instagram or catching up on the news, switch to music and consider getting off the bus a stop or two earlier. Even a brief 10-15 minute walk on your route back can create an impact by the day’s end and aid in releasing accumulated stress.

Take your lunch break outside

Break up your day and take a breather from the library! Permit yourself to step away from the laptop during your lunch break and head outdoors: a brief walk won’t just enhance your concentration but will also uplift your mood for exams. Exercise isn’t confined to strenuous workouts; it can be as effortless as a stroll in the nearby park or a walk to a local coffee shop. Lace up your trainers and begin exploring the surroundings!


Foodies trying winter foods these days find it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To answer the question, how to fit exercise into a busy schedule demands creativity and dedication. Yet the rewards for your overall well-being make it worthwhile. Employing efficient time management, proactive planning, and ensuring exercise remains a top priority enables the successful inclusion of physical activity in your daily routine. Keep in mind, that it’s not about discovering time; it’s about actively creating time for what truly counts – your health and well-being.

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