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How to Prepare Your Car For Trip to Northern Areas



how to prepare your car for northern trips

1. Inspecting Your Vehicle Before the Trip

Before heading towards the Northern Areas, a complete vehicle inspection is essential. Start by checking the engine for any leaks, unusual sounds, or issues that might worsen during your journey.

  • Engine Check: Ensure that your engine runs smoothly. If there’s a need for an oil change, get it done before your trip.
  • Fluid Levels: Check all fluid levels, including engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Driving on mountainous roads demands that your car’s systems work optimally, and low fluid levels can cause unexpected problems.

Always keep an extra bottle of coolant and engine oil in the car, just in case.

2. Tires: The Backbone of Your Journey

Your car’s tires are critical for a safe drive through the rugged landscapes of Northern Pakistan. The tires should have deep tread and be free from damage.

  • Tire Health Check: Inspect all tires for air pressure, wear, and tear. Uneven wear patterns can indicate alignment issues that could make your drive unsafe.
  • Spare Tire: Never leave without a properly inflated spare tire. It is a lifesaver if you face a puncture on a remote road where assistance may not be readily available.

Moreover, bring along a tire inflator and a puncture repair kit for added security.

3. Brake System Check

The steep inclines and declines in Northern Areas require well-functioning brakes. Before you set off, check your brake pads and rotors.

  • Brake Pads: Worn-out brake pads can be dangerous on downhill slopes, causing brake failure or overheating.
  • Brake Fluid: Ensure the brake fluid is topped off. If it’s dirty, replace it with fresh brake fluid.

For added safety, test your brakes by driving in a controlled environment before starting your journey.

4. Battery Health Check

Cold weather and lengthy drives can take a toll on your car’s battery. To avoid getting stranded, test your battery’s health.

  • Battery Life: Check if the battery is old or struggling to hold a charge. Replace it if necessary.
  • Battery Terminals: Clean the terminals to prevent any issues with starting the car in cold conditions.

Cold mornings in the Northern Areas can affect battery performance, so this is a step you cannot skip.

5. Essential Tools and Spare Parts

Carrying a basic toolkit and spare parts will come in handy for minor repairs. Here’s a list of must-have items:

  • Wrench set and screwdrivers
  • Spare bulbs for headlights and taillights
  • Jumper cables
  • Tow rope
  • Jack and wheel spanner for changing tires
  • Extra fuses

These items ensure that you can tackle basic issues without waiting for roadside assistance, which can be far away in remote areas.

6. Vehicle Lights: Stay Visible

Driving through foggy mountains or during nighttime in the Northern Areas means your vehicle lights must work perfectly.

  • Headlights and Taillights: Inspect your headlights and taillights to ensure full functionality. Keep a spare set of bulbs in case one goes out.
  • Fog Lights: In case of heavy fog or snowfall, fog lights help you see the road better and remain visible to others.

Good visibility is essential in this region, especially when there is little or no street lighting.

7. Packing for Emergencies

The unpredictable weather and terrain of the Northern Areas mean you should always be prepared for emergencies.

  • First-Aid Kit: Pack a first-aid kit with basic medical supplies.
  • Blankets and Warm Clothes: In case of a breakdown, having warm blankets or clothes can protect you from the cold.
  • Food and Water: Carry extra food and bottled water. Remote areas may not have access to stores for long stretches.

Having an emergency pack can make all the difference when you’re in a challenging situation.

8. Heating and Cooling Systems

Northern Pakistan experiences extreme cold in the higher altitudes, while certain areas can be quite warm during the day. Your car’s heating and cooling systems should be in perfect working condition.

  • Cooling System: Check your car’s radiator and coolant to avoid overheating.
  • Heating System: Test your car’s heater, as temperatures can drop drastically, especially at night.

A functioning heater ensures comfort, while the cooling system prevents engine damage.

9. Navigation and Communication Tools

Reliable navigation is crucial in areas where road signs may be scarce, and phone signals weak.

  • GPS Devices: Ensure you have a GPS device or app that works offline in case of a lack of signal.
  • Mobile Network Coverage: Some areas in the Northern regions have poor mobile connectivity. Inform someone about your route in case of emergency.

Carrying a portable battery charger for your phone or GPS device is highly recommended

10. Preparing for Weather Changes

Weather in the Northern Areas can be unpredictable, ranging from bright sunny skies to sudden rain or snow. Be prepared for various weather conditions.

  • Rain and Snow: Ensure your windshield wipers are in good condition and carry snow chains if you’re traveling in winter.
  • Fog: Prepare for foggy conditions by ensuring your fog lights work and always have an anti-fog solution for your windshield.

Adjust your driving speed according to the weather conditions for your safety.

11. Driving Tips for Northern Areas

Driving in mountainous regions requires some adjustments to your usual driving habits. Here are some important tips:

  • Stay in Lower Gears: When driving uphill, stick to lower gears to prevent engine strain.
  • Maintain Safe Distances: Always keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead. Steep roads may require sudden braking.
  • Use Engine Braking on Downhills: Instead of relying entirely on your brakes, use engine braking to slow down on steep declines.

Driving cautiously in the mountains will help you avoid accidents and make your trip more enjoyable.

12. Fueling Up: The Long Distances

Fuel stations are few and far between in the Northern Areas. To avoid running out of fuel in the middle of nowhere:

  • Fill Up Frequently: Whenever you see a fuel station, top up your tank, even if you still have half a tank.
  • Carry Extra Fuel: For longer trips, carrying an extra can of fuel is a good idea, especially if you’re venturing into remote regions.

Running out of fuel can leave you stranded, so plan ahead to avoid this risk. Also you will be definitely using the Motorways for travelling so make sure to get your M-TAG for Super Highways and Motorways.


Q1: What should I check before a long road trip to Northern Areas?

  • Check your vehicle’s engine, brakes, tires, battery, and fluid levels. Make sure to carry essential tools and spare parts for minor repairs.

Q2: Do I need special tires for driving in the Northern Areas?

  • While regular tires can work, it’s best to have all-terrain or winter tires if you’re traveling in snowy or off-road conditions.

Q3: How can I prepare my car for extreme weather conditions?

  • Ensure your heating and cooling systems are functional, check windshield wipers, and carry snow chains if traveling in winter. Don’t forget to pack warm clothes and blankets for emergencies.

Q4: Are there enough fuel stations along the route?

  • Fuel stations are scarce in some areas, so it’s wise to fill up whenever you find a station and carry extra fuel.


Preparing your car for a trip to the Northern Areas of Pakistan is crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey. By following the steps outlined in this guide, from checking your tires and brakes to packing essential tools and emergency supplies, you can ensure that your vehicle is ready to tackle the rugged terrain and unpredictable weather. Whether you’re exploring the beautiful valleys of Hunza or venturing into Skardu, proper preparation will help you avoid common road trip issues and allow you to focus on the beauty and adventure ahead. Safe travels!

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