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How to Delete Instagram Account



If you’ve had enough of Instagram and want to step away, you have two choices. You can either temporarily delete your Instagram account or permanently remove your presence from the platform while leaving the option open to return in the future. Whether you’re seeking a break or looking to bid farewell to Instagram, this article offers a comprehensive guide on choosing the right option for you. Read through carefully to learn how to deactivate or how to delete Instagram account.

Which You Should Choose? Deactivate vs. Delete

If you’re unsure whether to deactivate or how to delete Instagram account, understanding the differences between the two is crucial. Here’s what happens when you delete your Instagram account:

  1. You can’t reverse your decision once you’ve deleted the account.
  2. Followers, photos, comments, and likes are permanently lost.
  3. Your username might be claimed by someone else, leading to its loss.

On the other hand, disabling your Instagram account entails:

  1. The ability to reverse your decision.
  2. Retaining all followers, photos, comments, and likes.
  3. Your account remains hidden but can be reactivated whenever you choose.

Considering these factors, the choice between deleting or deactivating your Instagram account is yours to make. If you opt to delete your account, there’s a solution for backing up your Instagram data, including images. Continue reading for instructions on how to back up your Instagram data, including images.

How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently

In case you are wondering how to delete Instagram account permanently, you’ll need to access Instagram via a web browser on your computer. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the “Delete Your Account” page by clicking on this link.
  2. Log in to the Instagram profile you wish to delete.
  3. You’ll be prompted to provide a reason for deleting your account; choose the appropriate option.
  4. Additional questions might be asked, which you can choose to skip.
  5. Confirm your decision by entering your password for the final time.
  6. Finally, select “Permanently delete my account.”

Once you’ve completed these steps, your presence on Instagram will cease to exist. Remember, your username becomes available for anyone to claim. If you intend to return to Instagram in the future, you’ll need to select a new username when creating a new account.

How to Deactivate Instagram Account?

Choosing to deactivate your Instagram account is a preferable option compared to deleting it. This method allows you to retain everything and easily reactivate your account whenever you wish to return, making it especially handy during times like exams when you want to limit social media usage.

Please note that deactivating Instagram isn’t available through the iPhone or Android apps; you’ll need to use a web browser. Follow these steps to deactivate your account:

  1. Log in to Instagram on your computer.
  2. Click on your Profile Photo.
  3. Choose the Profile option and then select Edit Profile.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Temporarily disable my account.”
  5. You’ll be asked, “Why are you disabling your account?” Choose your preferred option.
  6. Enter your password and click on “Temporarily disable Account.”

After this process, your Instagram account becomes hidden. Your profile won’t appear in searches, and your followers won’t have access to your account.

If you decide to return to Instagram in the future, follow these steps to reactivate your account.

How to Reactivate Instagram Account?

To reactivate your Instagram account after deactivation, follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram through your browser or the app on your phone.
  2. Enter your login details to sign in.
  3. Upon logging in, you’ll be returned to where you left off, with no changes in your photos, comments, followers, or chats.

How to Backup Instagram Profile?

To retrieve a backup of your Instagram data before deleting your account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your Profile Picture located in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap the three lines in the top right corner and choose “Your activity.”
  3. Scroll down and select “Download Your Information.”
  4. Confirm the accuracy of your email and click the “Request download” button.
  5. Enter your Instagram password and proceed by clicking “Next.”
  6. Initiate the download request.

Upon completion, it may take up to 14 days to receive an email containing your profile backup titled “Your Instagram Data.” Open the email and follow the instructions to download your information.

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