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UK scholarships for Pakistani students



UK scholarships

Obtaining a degree in the United Kingdom offers numerous academic and career prospects, yet the substantial expenses of tuition and living can be a substantial impediment for numerous aspiring students. To tackle this concern, there exists a range of scholarship opportunities specifically tailored for Pakistani students seeking higher education in the UK. These scholarships offer vital financial support, helping cover tuition fees, accommodation, and related expenses. This article Explore It Beyond delve into the diverse array of UK scholarships for Pakistani students, elucidating their advantages and detailing the application procedure.

Popular UK Scholarships for Pakistani Students

There are several UK scholarships for Pakistani students to pursue their higher education in the UK. Here are some of the most popular options:

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan

The UK government extends the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan to students hailing from Commonwealth nations, Pakistan included. This scholarship encompasses the costs of tuition fees, travel expenditures, and living expenses throughout the entire study program. Pakistani students are required to possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and must satisfy the eligibility criteria associated with their selected course of study.

Gates Cambridge Scholarship

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsors the prestigious Gates Cambridge Scholarship program, which is open to Pakistani students. This scholarship encompasses tuition fees, a living allowance, airfare, and various other allowances, ensuring it’s a comprehensive, fully-funded scholarship. Pakistani students with a proven track record of academic excellence, leadership potential, and a dedication to creating positive change in their communities can apply for this opportunity.

Rhodes Scholarship

The Rhodes Scholarship, a highly competitive scholarship initiative provided by the Rhodes Trust, is accessible to students worldwide, including those from Pakistan, within the realm of UK scholarships for Pakistani students. This scholarship encompasses the coverage of tuition fees, living expenses, and travel expenditures. Pakistani students who wish to be eligible must possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, fall within the age range of 19 to 25 years, and have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership potential, and a resolute commitment to effecting positive global change.

Chevening Scholarship

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office sponsor the prestigious Chevening Scholarship program, which is open to Pakistani students. This scholarship encompasses complete coverage of tuition fees, a monthly living allowance, economy class return airfare, and various other allowances, ensuring it’s a fully-funded scholarship. Pakistani students who have showcased leadership potential, academic excellence, and a commitment to effecting positive change within their communities can apply.

University-specific UK scholarships for Pakistani Students

University-specific scholarships are offered by individual universities and cover different expenses, such as tuition fees or living expenses. Here are some popular university-specific UK scholarships for Pakistani students:

University of Manchester Global Futures Scholarship

The University of Manchester has introduced the Global Futures Scholarship, which Pakistani students aspiring to pursue a postgraduate degree at the university can access. This scholarship encompasses complete coverage of tuition fees throughout the postgraduate program, along with a substantial stipend to support living expenses. It is granted to candidates who can showcase academic excellence, leadership potential, and a steadfast commitment to making a valuable impact in their chosen field.

Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme

The University of Oxford, in collaboration with the Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust, offers the Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme for driven and accomplished Pakistani students seeking full-time graduate studies at the university. These scholarships encompass the complete coverage of tuition fees and include provisions for a living allowance, travel expenses, and other associated costs. Additionally, scholars are granted access to a variety of professional development opportunities, such as seminars, workshops, and networking events.

 University of Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarship

The University of Warwick’s Chancellor’s International Scholarship, accessible to Pakistani students aiming for a Master’s degree at the institution, aligns with the university’s pledge to back exceptional international students globally. It particularly focuses on nations that have historically had limited representation in the UK. This scholarship entails a £10,000 grant and is valid for a single year of study.

Private scholarships

Private scholarships are offered by private organizations and cover different expenses, such as travel or living expenses. Here are some popular private UK scholarships for Pakistani students:

Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission offers this scholarship to Pakistani students aspiring to pursue a master’s degree at any UK university. It’s granted to exceptional students who have showcased academic excellence and a determination to create a beneficial impact in their communities. As part of the UK scholarships for Pakistani students, it encompasses full tuition fees, travel expenses to and from the UK, visa fees, and insurance, while also providing a living allowance to cover subsistence costs.

 British Council Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust Award

The British Council Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust Award presents a UK scholarship opportunity to Pakistani students aiming for a postgraduate degree in the UK. This Award provides financial support for tuition fees (maximum of £18,000), living costs (up to £15,000), round-trip flights to and from the UK (up to £2,000), and a substantial research budget (up to £4,000). Additionally, recipients benefit from orientation and cultural awareness training and gain access to the British Council’s Professional Development Programme.

Dawood Foundation Scholarship

Dawood Foundation Scholarship is a fully funded UK scholarship for Pakistani students. It is awarded to students who wish to pursue higher education at the University of Cambridge. The scholarship is sponsored by the Dawood Foundation, an independent non-profit organization established in the United Kingdom. The scholarship covers the full cost of tuition fees and provides an annual living allowance of up to £15,000. The scholarship also covers travel and visa costs.


What types of scholarships can Pakistani students access for studying in the UK?

Pakistani students have access to various scholarships for studying in the UK, including government-funded scholarships, university-specific awards, and private scholarships.

What criteria must Pakistani students meet to qualify for UK scholarships?

The eligibility criteria for UK scholarships for Pakistani students differ based on the specific scholarship. Generally, scholarships are granted based on academic excellence, leadership potential, and a proven dedication to creating a positive impact in the community.

How can Pakistani students go about applying for UK scholarships?

To apply for UK scholarships, Pakistani students should conduct thorough research on available scholarships and their application requirements. Typically, this process involves completing an application form, submitting academic transcripts, securing letters of recommendation, and crafting a personal statement outlining academic achievements and future aspirations.

    Can Pakistani students submit applications for multiple UK scholarships?

    Yes, Pakistani students can apply for multiple UK scholarships, but it’s crucial to review eligibility criteria carefully and ensure they meet the requirements for each scholarship.

    Are UK scholarships for Pakistani students fully financially supported?

    Certain UK scholarships are fully funded, covering tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs. However, others may only cover tuition fees or a portion of living expenses.

    Pakistani students can also consider studying in USA and scholarships in Canada as there are plenty of options.

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